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About Commission
In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of the Regulation on the organization and functioning of the State Commission for Polygraph Testing, approved by the Government Decision no. 475 from 19.06.2014, the State Commission for Polygraph Testing is a collegial body, established for the unlimited period to coordinate the activities of the poligraphologists and their assistants, as well as to ensure coordination and control of the test process using the simulated behavior detector (polygraph), as provided for by the Law on simulated behavior Detector (polygraph) No 269-XVI from December 12, 2008.
The commission has the following attributions:
a) To approve unique methodical norms for carrying out polygraph testing, deontological code of poligraphologists and poligraphologist’s assistants, the rules on the disciplinary liability of poligraphologists and his/her assistants, other instructions and regulations, on fulfilling the tasks in the area of competence of the commission;
b) To attest and record poligraphologists of the competent authorities with the right to initiate testing, as well as poligraphologists from the private field;
c) To check the compliance of the requirements of the polygraph testing;
d) To examine complaints of poligraphologists and their assistants, as well as infringements committed by them;
e) To record and keep track of the poligraphologists’ assistants;
f) To make suggestions about improving the legislation in the field or activity;
g) To notify the competent authorities about committed infringements in the field of polygraph testing to hold the persons liable in accordance with the article 29 from Law no 269-XVI of December 12, 2008 on the application of testing to the simulated behavior detector (polygraph);
h) To ensure cooperation and exchange of experience with the competent authorities with the right to initiate testing abroad, as well as with the relevant international organizations;
The official members of the commission are appointed by the order of the head of the public authority or the decision of the board and shall hold public management functions within the following authorities:
a) The Office of the Prosecutor General;
b) Information and Security Service
c) National Anticorruption Center
d) Ministry of the Internal Affairs
e) Customs Service under the Ministry of Finance
f) The Superior Council of Magistrates
g) The Superior Council of Prosecutors.
The Commission shall submit annual reports on its activity to the relevant parliamentary committee (for national security, defense and public order), that shall be published on official web-sites of the above-mentioned institutions, except for the information concerning the activity and personnel of the Information and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova.
The Commission President:
National Anticorruption Center – Victor FILIP, head of the Human Resources Unit
Members of the Commission:
- Superior Council of Magistrates – Sergiu CARAMAN
- Superior Council of Prosecutors – Dumitru OBADĂ
- Prosecutor General’s Office – Alexandru NICHITA
- Security Information Service – staff
- Ministry of the Internal Affairs – Eugeniu ȘEVCIUC
- Customs Service – Maxim ALEXEI
- State Protection and Guard Service - staff
The Commission Secretary:
National Anticorruption Center – Igor CARABEŢCHI, senior inspector, Internal Security Directorate