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Foreign assistance projects
The project "Support to the Moldovan Government in anti-corruption, reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including the police and the protection of personal data (MIAPAC)", financed by the European Commission, was launched on 11th of October 2011.
The overall objective of the Project is to support the Government of the Republicof Moldovain implementing the requirements of Chapter "Justice, Freedom and Security "of the future EU-Moldova Association Agreement and compliance with the recommendations on current dialogue for visa liberalization. One of the project’s goals is to assist the National Anticorruption Centre in the National Anticorruption Strategy implementation.
The Project is in the process of implementation and it has a mandate of 2 years.
At the end of 2012 was launched the project "Strengthening regional cooperation in preventing and combating corruption at the EU external borders", co-financed by the European Anti-Fraud Office through the Hercule II Programme 2007-2013 - "Training in the fight against fraud ". The Project was initiated by the General Anticorruption Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Romania. The National Anticorruption Centre, along with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia, was invited to participate to the Project as partners. The goal of the Project is to develop the international collaboration in fighting against frauds and corruption, which affect the financial interests of the EU; to facilitate the exchange of information and good practices in this area, between the Project’s participants. The Project regards a series of bilateral meetings between the General Anticorruption Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Romania with the other 2 partner institutions. The last phase of the Project stipulates the organization of a round table with the participation of all the partners of the Project. Thus, in the result of conducting the project activities, the joint working team will develop a handbook of best anticorruption practices, which will include the experience and good practices of the three countries involved within the Project.
The Project is currently in the realization phase and it will be finalized in May 2013.
The National Anticorruption Centre is currently beneficiating of the Facility Project of the Eastern Partnership for Good Governance and fight against corruption, financed by the Council of Europe.
The Republicof Moldovahad identified 2 Pilot Activities, which were approved by the Council of Europe: 1. Assessment of corruption risks and development of anticorruption strategies for local public authorities and 2. Strengthening the legislative framework and raising awarenesson financing political parties.
At this stage, the Republicof Moldovais assisted in order to implement the Pilot Activity 1.Assessment of corruption risks and development of anticorruption strategies for local public authorities. Its implementation started once the Council of Europe project “Anticorruption strategies for local public authorities” was launched by the Instituteof Urban Development, in collaboration with the Centre and the State Chancellery, which were identified as partner institutions within the project. Following the organized contest, there were selected the Project’s beneficiaries: Telenesti and Causeni districts.
The implementation of the Pilot Activity is in the stage of finalization. Currently, there are elaborated the drafts of the integrity plans for these two communities, which after coordination, will be implemented. The product of this activity will be presented at Regional Conference of the Eastern Partnership on Corruption Risks Assessment, on 11th of April 2013, in Chisinau. The final goal of the Project is to elaborate a model Integrity Plan, compulsory for all the local public authorities in the country, with the perspective to be adopted by the Parliament as a component of the National Strategy of Decentralization.
In the context of implementing the Pilot Activity II on improving the legal framework and raising awareness on financing of political parties, there was created a Working Group established under the aegis of the Central Electoral Commission. The Working Group is responsible for elaborating proposals to amend the legislation on funding of political parties and electoral campaigns. There were organized several workshops and roundtables, which resulted with the development of a draft law, aimed at improving the legislative framework on financing political parties and electoral campaigns in Moldova.
Strengthening the Corruption Prevention and Analysis Functions of the National Anticorruption Center
Project Summary
The overall objective of the project is to to contribute to the effective prevention of corruption, by means of improved and innovative mechanisms facilitating corruption risk assessment, corruption proofing of draft legislation, integrity testing and public awareness raising to foster zero-tolerance towards the phenomenon.
The project seeks to catalyze the emergence of the strongest possible national anticorruption institution, the National Anticorruption Centre (NAC) and will continuously support NAC in strengthening its capacities in-line with the institutions’ development plans, as well as to ensure that the planned actions are on track and the resources are utilized efficiently. The project will focus on the practical implementation of the planned actions with tangible and visible results both for the target groups involved and the broader public. The project activities will also address capacities needed for strengthening the analytical work, for quality performing risk assessments in various priority sectors (for example, public procurement), for ensuring a system for whistleblower protection, engagement with citizens through anticorruption education and public awareness, etc.
Project goals are:
- Strengthen NAC´s operational and institutional capacity to fulfill its prevention and analytical functions;
- Endow NAC Prevention Directorate with modern equipment and specialized software;
- Support NAC in elaborating and implementing a new National anti-corruption strategy and the Action Plan;
- Support NAC in assessing corruption risks and development of integrity plans in vulnerable sectors;
- Develop a platform for cooperation between NAC and civil society;
- Support initiatives promoting youth awareness and engagement in anticorruption;
- Strengthen NAC´s capacity to perform corruption analysis as per national and international strategic documents.
Expected Results
- Capacity Development and Training Plan for NAC corruption prevention and analysis units elaborated and implemented;
- NAC endowed with modern equipment and specialized software;
New national anti-corruption strategy elaborated, approved and implemented according to the Action Plan; - Assessment of corruption risks and development of integrity plans conducted in at least three vulnerable sectors;
- Cooperation with civil society strengthened through developing a platform for cooperation between NAC and civil society and supporting initiatives promoting youth awareness and engagement in anticorruption;
- NAC new Communication Strategy elaborated, approved and implemented according to the Action Plan;
- Analytical studies on corruption analysis in at least three priority sectors elaborated;
- Gender disaggregated risks of corruption assessed.
Donor Amount Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway USD 302,293 UNDP
USD 12,000 Delivery
Total (2015-2017) USD 1,648,395 2015 USD 301,293 - Project Manager:
- Olga Crivoliubic olga.crivoliubic@undp.org
Twinning Project "Support to the strengthening of the operational capacities of the Law Enforcement Agencies of the Republic of Moldova in the field of prevention and investigation of criminal acts of corruption"
Overall Objective
The overall objective of the Project is to strengthen the institutional capacities of the National Anti-Corruption Centre (NAC), Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (APO), Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), General Police Inspectorate (GPI) and Customs Service, in order to increase the efficiency in the fight against corruption.
Corruption, as a phenomenon, has always been present in all countries worldwide and represents a constant threat that should be constantly addressed and overcome by all legal and institutional tools both preventively and repressively. Therefore, the fight against corruption must be a strategic priority in order to ensure sustainable long-term social competence and resistance to corruption in all its emerging forms. This means that corruption should be reduced to the minimum by unselectively discovering and sanctioning each and every case of corruption in practice.
The Twinning Project "Support to the strengthening of the operational capacities of the Law Enforcement Agencies of the Republic of Moldova in the field of prevention and investigation of criminal acts of corruption" has the following beneficiaries: National Anti-Corruption Centre (NAC), Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (APO), Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), General Police Inspectorate (GPI) and Customs Service.
The Twinning Project is implemented by a consortium formed of specialized institutions of 3 European Union member-states: Lithuania as a Lead Member State with Romania and Finland as Junior partners.
Project purpose
The projects purpose is as follows: Strengthening of the investigative capacities of the NAC, APO, MIA, GPI and Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter Moldova) in the field of prevention and investigation of criminal acts of corruption.
Budget and implementation period
The project will be implemented through a Twinning Contract estimated at a maximum of EUR 1,000,000 and the implementation period is 24 months.
1. Capacities of Law Enforcement Agencies to combat corruption through the appropriate use of special investigative techniques, methods and equipment are strengthened.
2. Decision-making, internal procedures as well as interagency co-operation, co-ordination and communication related to investigation of criminal cases of corruption are enhanced in line with EU best practices.
3. Capacities of the NAC to conduct institutional integrity assessment and professional integrity testing in the public sector are built up in line with EU and international best practices and respecting the human rights.
Additional information regarding the Twinning Project can be find in the following document - Twinning Fiche.
- Attached files :
- Assessment Report. Twinning activity 2.1.
The joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe "Law Enforcement and Prevention Control" (CLEP) started on 1 June 2017 and will end on 31 May 2020. The project aims to support the reform of the anti-corruption regulatory framework and the efforts of the institutions in in line with European and international standards, as well as to strengthen national and international cooperation of specialized law enforcement and prevention systems.
Implementation period: 2017 - 2020
Beneficiaries: National Anticorruption Center, Prevention and Combating Money Laundering Service, General Prosecutor's Office, Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, National Integrity Authority, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Supreme Court of Justice, Supreme Council of Prosecutors, Prosecution Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Causes, The Ministry of Finance, the State Tax Inspectorate, the Customs Service, the National Bank of Moldova, the National Institute of Justice, the Police Academy, civil society.
Major objective: Strengthening the anticorruption framework in the Republic of Moldova in line with European and international standards.
Specific objective: Support the reform of the anti-corruption regulatory framework and relevant institutions in line with European and international standards and strengthen national and international collaboration between law enforcement and prevention systems.
Expected results:
1. Gaps and deficiencies in the legal framework on preventing and combating corruption and money laundering / terrorist financing, in line with the practices of the Council of Europe and the European Union;
2. The capacity of institutions to develop and implement measures to prevent corruption and laundering of consolidated money;
3. The regulatory framework for asset recovery and the capabilities of the authorities in charge of this strengthened area;
4. An up-to-date information exchange system and capabilities for the implementation of national mechanisms for corruption offenses and asset tracking and recovery;
5. National and international cooperation between national and international law enforcement bodies on the exchange of information and the international tracking of income from increased and improved corruption and economic crime;
6. Raise awareness of society and its level of participation in the fight against improved corruption.
Information on the actions taken and the progress made in implementing the CLEP project can be consulted at: https://www.coe.int/en/web/corruption/projects/clep